Eltham waits on Controlled Parking Zone proposals as decision are taken across north of Borough

By | August 15, 2017

A month ago, Conservative Councillors for Eltham received a briefing about the results of the Controlled Parking Survey undertaken in January 2017 together with proposals for changes in the future.


The political bit (which includes a health warning)

While the area concerned covered 7 Labour Councillors and 5 Conservatives ones, there was no Labour member in attendance which makes me concerned that there might be further changes (as there was to the previous proposals in Eltham Park) so I thought it might be best to keep the details private.  However, a resident has now written to me asking what is happening as the Council Officers were measuring up his road for the introduction of controlled parking so I feel obliged to put the details in the public domain as they are steadily leaking out anyway.


Before you read further though, please bear in mind that last time the Council chose to ignore the wishes of residents in several roads and introduced a CPZ despite residents voting against it, so it may well be that these are not the final proposals which go before the Cabinet Member.    In my mild paranoia, I consider that this seems more likely to be the case as other areas of the Borough have already had proposals published about their CPZ changes and Eltham appears to be lagging behind.

Results of the Controlled Parking Zone Survey (CPZ) Expansion Survey


There are two different surveys here, with one for residents currently living in the CPZ and another for residents living outside it.  This initial section looks specifically at those residents in areas where there is no CPZ and who are voting on whether they would like a CPZ to be introduced.

I have lobbied Officers for a further survey of Strongbow Crescent and Gardens where residents have raised specific problems relating to the timings of the CPZs around them and the introduction of paid parking on western Glenlea Road.

Having said that, the tables of response from Eltham North Ward are fairly straightforward and read as follows.

Progress Estate:

The Progress Estate results are based on a relatively low response rate of 25%, with a lot of that being based in Prince Rupert Road and Congreve Road.  All roads in the area around Well Hall Road (south of the roundabout) voted to be included in the CPZ, except Moira Road (where only 6 out of 62 homes responded).

So overall, this appears to support an expansion of the CPZ, although this may change during the statutory consultation because the response rate is so low.

Eltham Park:

The overall response rate here was much better with 47% of households replying to the consultation.  In this case the response is a resounding ‘no’ in all roads except Eltham Park Gardens where there is a pretty substantial majority for a CPZ being introduced.  This expansion seems to fit quite well with the existing CPZ as it can simply be added on to the roads which are adjacent to Eltham Park Gardens.

Results of the existing Controlled Parking Zone Survey (CPZ)

The results here suggest that residents currently in the CPZ are broadly happy with it in Eltham Park but would like it extending around the southern Progress Estate area.

Progress Estate responses:

In this case, it seems clear that residents on Well Hall Road are genuinely not happy with the arrangements, but mainly as they would like longer/stronger CPZs across their area – this seems to fit with the votes for those area asking to be included in the CPZ (except Moira Road).

Eltham Park Responses:

In this case, there are relatively low levels of response and broadly speaking all roads are in favour of the existing CPZ except Glenesk Road (south of Glenure Road).  Cllr Charlie Davis and I will follow up on this, based on our policy that the Council should really respond to residents’ wishes on this non-political issue.

What are the Council’s proposals?

I would just like to repeat the policy which Eltham Conservatives have followed (and managed to get included in the Council’s Parking Policy) which is that no road should be included in a CPZ unless the residents vote for it.  We do not think this is a political decision, but one which should be left to local residents.  The important thing is for the Council to respond to residents’ wishes and this is what Cllr Charlie Davis & I will try to encourage them to do this time.

In this case, can I flag up that we have registered with Officers our firm conviction that the switch to pay and display in western Glenlea Road (where there are no residents) is damaging the High Street and the Westmount Parade.  We have campaigned for free parking there and will continue to ask for a change (as the Council seems to like the revenue which this policy produces) which supports local residents and shops.

The green areas below show where Council Officers believe that residents’ responses support the introduction of a CPZ.

Eltham Park:

Progress Estate:


What next?

It is expected that the Cabinet Member will bring forward a decision for a statutory consultation on these proposals.  This might be held up if Strongbow Crescent and Gardens are included as that will require another consultation, but this might be done outside of the process above.

Charlie and I will try to make sure everyone is kept updated on the process as and when the proposals are formally published by the Council in the name of the relevant Cabinet Member.

Category: Uncategorized

About Spencer Drury

Spencer was one of the three Councillors for Eltham North Ward between 2002 and 2022. He lost his Council seat in the May 2022 elections and now occasionally contributes to debates on local issues.

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